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DISKREFS for the Norton Utilities 3.0 through 4.5 contains:
1. A brief description of each utility.
2. Complete syntax.
3. Explanation of program parameters
4. Usage notes.
5. Examples included for the more complex utilities.
6. Common recovery scenarios and suggests utilities you can use for
each are listed in <NURECOV>.
7. <NUFREQ> lists the BEEP utility frequency codes for four octaves of
the musical scale.
8. <NUCOLOR> contains the color codes you can use when you execute
certain utility programs.
Some utilities are not available in all versions. In addition, many utility
parameters differ from one version to another. The version numbers precede
the syntax lines that are valid for those versions. If no syntax line is
shown for a particular version number, it means this utility is not available
in that version.
Peter Norton Computing, Inc., often adds new commands and parameters when it
releases a maintenance disk for a version. Therefore, your copy of a version
might not support all the commands or parameters shown in this DISKREF.
In all versions you can get short, descriptive, on-line help for any command
by entering the command name followed by a space and then a single question
mark character, (?). Within interactive menus, you can get context-sensitive
help for any command by pressing the F1 key.
Syntax Conventions
Convention Meaning
UPPERCASE Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words
that you must enter exactly as shown. You can enter
Norton Utility commands in either uppercase or lowercase.
(words or numerals) Words or numerals enclosed in parenthesis, "()",
represent variables that you must supply.
Brackets [ ] Brackets enclose optional items, which are separated by a
pipe symbol (|) if more than one item is listed. Choose
either one or none of the options. Do not enter the
brackets or the pipe.
Braces { } Braces enclose one or more items, which are separated by
a pipe symbol (|) if more than one item is listed. You
must choose one item from the list. Do not enter the
braces or the pipe.
Ellipsis ... An ellipsis (three periods in a row) indicates that you
can repeat an item one or more times. When a comma is
shown with an ellipsis, enter a comma between repetitions
of the item.
You must enter all other symbols (such as parentheses and colons) exactly as
they appear on the syntax line. Note that in this DISKREF, (filespec) refers
to the last qualifier in a pathname, including the file extension. You can
use the * and ? wildcard characters except where it has been noted. The
(path) parameter refers to the list of directory and subdirectory names that
qualify the location of (filespec).
(drive:) C:
(path) C:\UTILITY
(filespec) C;\UTILITY\MYDATA.DAT NOTE: The filespec consists of
two parts, the filename
consisting of up to 8
letters or numerals. a
period (.), and an
extension consisting of up
to 3 letters or numerals.
It's pretty important for you to understand the conventions used and the
examples given. That's the key to entering command line parameters
Now, since you are probably chomping at the bit to go on, press the ENTER key